My 24 Day Challenge

My 24 Day Challenge

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 16....more weight lost!!

So after a couple of emotional days I'm finally at Day 16 and today my total weight loss is 4.8 pounds!!! So excited when I got on the scale this morning!! I've had challenging days at work and personally but apparently have managed to stay on track! I haven't exercised this week like I needed to (or wanted to). Was planning to do a long bike ride today but ended ip working for a coworker who had a family emergency....then left work and babysat for another coworker so she could actually GO to work. Her son is awesome. He's 4 and totally adorable!! So, instead of doing homework or cleaning he and I walked to the park and played. Came home, made chocolate covered strawberries and watched Rango until he fell asleep. He's still currently sleeping (chocolate face an all). It's been a fun unexpected day.

I received a shipment from Advocare last night and have enjoyed my new Spark and CitriZinc. Haven't gotten to try out the post workout shakes yet but hopeukky tomorrow I can. I have a super early and long day ahead of me tomorrow. Class two hours away thatstarts at 0800 and lasts all day (followed by a 2 hour drive back home). So I'll certainly be taking some Spark with me to class....and some Slam!! I'm excited and nervous about my first Health Assessment class of the semester. It's going to be a lot of work and pretty intense. But should be worth it in the long run. I told Gina the other day "if it were easy everyone would be doing it"...I think this pertains to both Advocare AND grad school!

I'm gonna sign off before my little boyfriend wakes up from his nap! Hope you're all doing well!!

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